Town of Coventry now accepts electronic payments for Taxes and other fees.

All transactions are processed by a third party vendor.


  • This service is no cost and no profit for the Town, but the vendor charges you a convenience fee for processing.
  • All credit card transactions are subject to a 2.65% transaction fee (or $3 whichever is greater)
  • All Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF) transactions cost $1.50 each
  • The system will tell you what the transaction fee will be before completing.
  • Once you are notified of the fee, you may choose to cancel before confirmation.

Please note that the transaction fee is non-refundable. Once the transaction is processed any fees paid to Municipay will be non-refundable.

Please click on the appropriate link below and enter the necessary information with references. The Town Treasurer will be notified once a payment has been processed.